[Az-Geocaching] Prescott/Chino Valley Cachers (Especially Hamcachers)

Team Tierra Buena teamtierrabuena at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 21 21:31:57 MST 2005

My plans are as finalized as these things get, so I thought I’d throw them
out here in case anyone’s interested. 

I’m planning on combining caching and operating this Field Day weekend, at
the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club’s field day site in Chino Valley sometime
early afternoon. My best guess at the site coordinates is N 34° 46.174’ W
112° 31.727’. If that doesn’t work, it’s the west side of Blue Star Rd just
south of Macondo Rd, about 12 miles north of Prescott. If that doesn’t work,
talk-in is 147.18 simplex, which I’ll be monitoring, but I’ll just have an
HT and a duck, so call the talk-in station and get directions from them, or
ask them for permission to call me.

My plan is to leave the Valley right around sunrise, and hit a few caches on
my way up to Chino Valley via Wickenburg, Congress, and Yarnell. (Who knows,
I-17 may still be closed Saturday.)  I’ll leave the FD site after dark, but
I need to be home Saturday night <sigh>. If you just want to come by and
check out the site, ask for Lee, KY7M. They’ll likely point you towards the
20-meter CW tent. I’ll be most likely logging. Lee is a BIG Gun.

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about but are still reading, this
weekend is the bazillionth annual occurrence of this event. It’s a
combination contest, emergency preparedness exercise, and social gathering,
where the object is to work as many other Amateur Radio stations as possible
in 24 hours using only equipment that is not connected to commercial power
mains. If this sounds frivolous, consider that Amateur setups like this were
essentially the only communications off many of the islands struck by the
December tsunami for the first two weeks of the disaster.

Everyone is welcome to visit the Field Day site, which will be setting up
starting Friday evening. The contest itself runs from noon local time
Saturday to noon Sunday. So if you’re in the area, check it out. Any of the
hams there will be happy to show you around and tell you a bit about what’s
going on. I should mention there is a big note on the information I
received: “We welcome all the Sheriff’s Deputies of Yavapai County.”

So if you want to come by and talk hamming or caching (or both!), please do
so. And if anyone wants to point me towards any special caches on my route
up, please feel free to do so. 

Steve (N2BNB)

Team Tierra Buena 

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