[Az-Geocaching] Stats
Sun, 23 May 2004 20:16:03 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for the update Brian,I was just wondering if
you had given up on it!
--- Brian Cluff <brian@snaptek.com> wrote:
> I should be able to get to it after Thurs. Right
> now I am slammed at
> work because of the end of school (I'm the head of
> technology for a
> school district for those of you that didn't
> know...). Anyway, I've got
> 2 guys leaving on an already understaffed department
> and it getting real
> interesting. There should be a lull right after
> school gets out on
> Thurs, so I should be able to finish the code before
> a couple hundred
> computers show up and I have to build/configure
> them. It's just a
> matter of putting the finishing touches on it.
> Right now it crawls
> through perfectly until the the last few caches when
> it goes into a
> infinite loop. Fairly easy stuff... just need the
> time to make it work :)
> Brian Cluff
> Team Snaptek
> GUY ALDRICH wrote:
> > The stat page shows no one has cached since the
> > 18th!Hey Brian are you still working on this?
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