[Az-Geocaching] Special equipment

Scott Wood listserv@azgeocaching.com
Thu, 08 May 2003 09:30:27 -0700

At 09:21 AM 5/8/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm not sure if bicycles are available to rent in cities (I know they are 
>in resort mountain and seaside communities), but one could probably borrow 
>a bike from someone without too much difficulty.  If I lived near this 
>cache, then I would offer my mountain bike to loan to geocachers if they 
>need one to do this cache.

I have no doubt that it is a good cache, but I think the rating is 
misleading on it.  If I have to go through the effort to get equipment I 
don't currently have, then it is special equipment.  My understanding of 
the rating system, and how I try to rate my caches, state that anything 
under a 5 doesn't require anything special in order to find the cache.

