[Az-Geocaching] Stats You Won't Find on Azgeocaching.com

Bob Renner listserv@azgeocaching.com
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 20:14:03 -0800 (PST)


I'm confused on how you got the numbers you mentioned
below.  I used the following url to find my profile
and I had to put in 46 to get mine.  


That would make me the 46th person to register with 
geocaching.com.  I put in numbers from 1 to 50 (and a 
few others beyond that, and generated the following 


1	?
2	?
3	Jeremy  (June 01, 2000)
	  The date when he "started" the site.
4	yngve  (September 01, 2000)
	  The date Jeremy started entering 
	  other users into the data base.
5	Elias
6	GoodDogSD
7	mcb
8	alan
9	?
10	?
11	anzacis
12	SirNyt
13	robamy
14	jandkl
15	george71
16	stevej
17	phth
18	jafos
19	bnolan
20	Kansas Stasher
21	?
22	kluso
23	MadCat
24	Moun10Bike
25	TEAM SNAKEBUSTERS (September 5, 2000)
	  (a.k.a. Dan Rich)
	  Owner of Arizona's first cache
26	eric
27	max.wheatley
28	john13729
29	aard
30	rodespain
31	The Flying Dutchman
32	nz_etrex
33	bjwkjw
34	geogeek
35	9997socal
36	Fast_Shadow
37	rnorman
38	Brendano
39	gahpee
40	scott
41	jvechinski
42	leaper64
43	TractorRX
44	cavefrog
45	wakko
46	Bob Renner  (September 14, 2000)
47	grossman
48	mikefrazier
49	?
50	maddog
176	Team Snaptek  (September 26, 2000)
324	cmaness  (October 10, 2000)
 	  First finder of "T824 Table Mesa" cache
15673	Team Tierra Buena  (July 23, 2001)

--- Team Tierra Buena <TeamTierraBuena@earthlink.net>
> On September 14, 2000(!) Bob Renner became the 14th
> member of of
> Geocaching.com. (Actually, I think he's the 11th,
> because the first three
> "members" are two of Jeremy's accounts and one of
> his employees.)
> On September 26 of that same year, the 19th
> membership was registered to
> Team Snaptek.
> Our Arizona pioneers. They've been at it over three
> years now. There may be
> other old-timers, but I only looked at the first
> hundred.
> Steve
> Team Tierra Buena
> PS: I think it's wild that it took 12 days for the
> site to register five
> members back then.

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