[Az-Geocaching] question about cache
Baja Fleg
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 12:33:09 -0700
Hey wow I tried to find that cache while I was in Austin, TX but the same
thing happened. Someone didn't log that they had taken it. Maybe the same
thing has happened again.
Team TJ
----Original Message Follows----
From: Bob Renner <renner001@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: az-geocaching@listserv.snaptek.com
To: az-geocaching@listserv.snaptek.com
Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] question about cache
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 09:17:59 -0800 (PST)
Yes, Locutus of Borg is a travel bug. I believe it
was created before Jeremy came up with the official
travel bug tags and separate web pages. Several
people created their own travel bugs by creating a
cache page which is supposed to have its coordinates
updated when it is moved. More like a moving cache.
The last person to log a find apparently has either
not placed it in a new location or has not let the
cache owner know about this, so this cache got stuck
at the Signs of the Past II cache.
You might try sending an e-mail to either the cache
owner or the last person to log the find and ask them
what's up.
--- Scott Nicol <arizcowboy@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Call me dumb, but, this cache makes no sense to me!
> by CrotalusRex and Canis Rufus (of T.S.M.Ex.T.)
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