[Az-Geocaching] Funny Cache Log
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 19:02:49 -0700
I got a good laugh after reading this log that was posted on one of my
cache sites. This Team has only 7 finds so far but it looks like they have a
lot of tenacity. Too bad we can't award geocaching medals for valiant
efforts ;)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Geocaching.com Emailer Bot" <emailer@geocaching.com>
To: <kenh199@cox.net>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 1:18 AM
Subject: [LOG] shadyfigure found your cache!
> Replying to this message will not send a message to the user. Email
contact@geocaching.com with any questions
> ---------------------------------------------------
> shadyfigure has added a log to your cache (A Sign From The Past). You can
visit the cache at the following link:
> http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=10076
> User comments:
> [:I] Ok wow. Thats all i can say wow. THis is a long story but
definately a weird one. SO me and dusty vehicle out to do another night
cache together. We start out by waking up the neighborhood dogs and get
them barking as we ascend to the cache. One of the neighbors god knows why
decides to get out one of those night sun spotlights and turns it on and
follows us as we ascend the hillside to the cache. With the full moon
tonight we had plenty of light and his light was was really *explitive*
annoying. So we kept hiking just ignoring his light and he eventually
turned it out. We then go jumping cactus neddles all in my leg and had to
use pliers to get them out. My leg is so swollen right now ouch. THen we
came across a huge bee hive which was really making us nervous. Wer got to
the top and could not find that damn petroglyph. we must have looked for at
least an hour. Our gps's were putting us 75-80feet away from it. SO we
found it finally after all that time and many thoughts of giving up. We
hiked back. On our way back we hear a girl shouting to us aksing if we are
ok. WE tell her were fine just hiking now that it had cooled off and she
said ok. and left. SHe had been yelling to us from her back yard . Then a
helicopter showed up with spotlight on searching for us. From what the lady
said she saw our lights at the top when we were going through the cache and
she thought we migfht need help so she procedded to dial 911 on her hunch
that we might be hurt. Yeah we were fine and the helicopter soon departed.
We hiked out and when walking to our vehicle just about every family on the
street was standing in their front yards just watching it all unfold. If i
hadent live it i would think it was a bunch of crap but i tell you all of
this shit happened. SO i dont really remember what we left but i remember
we took a hotweels car and we logged the cache at about 10:49 PM. then we
wnt to mine mine all mine for another exciting adventure.
> This will take you to your cache page. If you need to change anything
regarding your cache, simply respond to this message.
> Cheers,
> Geocaching.com Team