[Az-Geocaching] Are you interested?
Jason Poulter
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 13:40:34 -0700
sounds great... i saw that cache earlier and thought that would be a
great idea!!! i would hunt for something like that!!!
Fred Coe wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'm kinda waiting for Bonnie to get home, so I'm sitting here on the
> computer. I came across this cache:
> http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=16679
> I can very easily set up one (or even two) of these.
> Is there interest?
> Here's where to get the info:
> Where's Bonnie: http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?kc6dyh-2
> Where's Fred: http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?wa0rto-2
> Note that the information is transmitted from the tracker every two minutes.
> The pages update every three minutes, and will tell you how old the
> information is. For example, as I type this, Bonnie's last position was
> transmitted almost 8 hours ago, my last position was 3 1/2 days ago (I took
> the GPS unit on a work trip to Safford this week to locate the cache near
> Heliograph Peak and was in to much of hurry to get home to hook it up, but
> it should be going during the day on Saturday, 4/13). Also, since the
> information travels by radio for the first part of it's journey not every
> transmission makes it to the internet site.
> What all that means is even if you have the latest coordinates you will have
> to conduct an area search to find the target and hope we don't move while
> you're searching (unless you have mobile tracking capability, then we can
> play tag APRS tag...)
> I'm not sure I would actually place a cache on the vehicle, so you might
> have to report, oh, say, the license plate number or other unique feature of
> the vehicle.
> Now that I think of it, I could put one on my service truck (due in next
> month). I usually travel further a field and to more interesting places at
> work....
> In any case, I think this would be a very challenging cache. It would
> require deductive ability as well as navigational skill, and luck would play
> a part also. It could be very frustrating.
> Let me know if you are interested.
> --Fred
> Team Boulder Creek
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